Day 12 (March 31): She Drew the Gun - Trouble Every Day

She Drew the Gun - Trouble Every Day EP - 12" – Rough TradeWe are finally, finally at the end of March. Whew. That was a long one. Do you remember March 1st? Sheesh. That weekend, I saw two films at the cinema, went to the gym, went to multiple pubs and watched a Premier League game on TV with a packed-out stadium. This has not been a month, it has been an epoch. May it die a sad death.

With the titanic garbage fire of a month behind us, today's song of the day is a big fat March 2020 mood. 'Trouble Every Day' is the title track from She Drew the Gun's 2019 EP, and it's a very nice reminder that, before COVID-19 was a whisper in the air of literal Hell itself, we were dealing with a very full plate of worldwide problems anyway. There's an Extinction Rebellion reference in there. Remember global warming?

I don't mean to say that every day, like the song says, is just another rotten mess. Some nice things have improbably come out of this month, like Animal Crossing, or all the weird and creative and nice ways that people have tried to circumvent the physical barriers to communication there are at the moment, or, again, Animal Crossing.

But, nonetheless, I won't miss this month. Good riddance, March, you dirtbag. You fool. You shithead. You no-good son of a bitch. I hope your brother April isn't as much of a foul degenerate as you.



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