Day 8 (March 27): Sharon Van Etten - One Day

Epic | Ba Da Bing Records
Hey, I finally put an expiry date on this thing. I started out thinking - let's give it a week, see if we're still here. It's a week later, and the extremely mild success that I've had with this (I've written it, and more than one person, although less than ten, have read it a day) has disproportionately gone to my head.

Now I am planning, in a fit of over-ambition, to make this blog run for 500 days and 500 songs. I don't know, 500 is a nice number. If it was good enough for the Proclaimers... Anyhow, apparently this means that this will end on 2nd August 2021. Good fricking lord. We're really in it now.

Meanwhile, in Actual Songs: I feel that I have been letting the side down with regards to relaxed songs. It's a stressful time, and it can't be all Garbage this and Pink Floyd that. One of the main functions of music is to soothe, and all, so with that in mind, here's one of my chilled-out favourites: 'One Day', from Sharon Van Etten's 2010 EP Epic.

It's an absolutely lovely song, and I can be confident in saying that it is definitely not the last time that you will be hearing about Sharon Van Etten. Oh no. Far from the last time. Think of this as the starter in a 55-course meal, and you will be prepared for how much Sharon Van Etten there will be in this house.


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