Day 12 (March 31): She Drew the Gun - Trouble Every Day
We are finally, finally at the end of March. Whew. That was a long one. Do you remember March 1st? Sheesh. That weekend, I saw two films at the cinema, went to the gym, went to multiple pubs and watched a Premier League game on TV with a packed-out stadium. This has not been a month, it has been an epoch. May it die a sad death. With the titanic garbage fire of a month behind us, today's song of the day is a big fat March 2020 mood. 'Trouble Every Day' is the title track from She Drew the Gun's 2019 EP, and it's a very nice reminder that, before COVID-19 was a whisper in the air of literal Hell itself, we were dealing with a very full plate of worldwide problems anyway. There's an Extinction Rebellion reference in there. Remember global warming? I don't mean to say that every day, like the song says, is just another rotten mess. Some nice things have improbably come out of this month, like Animal Crossing , or all the weird and creative and nice ways th...