Day 73 (May 31): LCD Soundsystem - (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang
Happy end of May! Months are a sick joke invented by bastard father Time, but the end of every month should be welcomed anyway. It means we're travelling forwards, and I like that idea, even if I'd quibble with the speed of it. Today's song of the day is very on the nose. It's LCD Soundsystem's cover of "(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang", a groovy tune about how awful fascists are, just like how it says on the tin. The original song is 39 years old, but you would not know it - fascism is a tenacious little piece of shit, after all. Still, it's never a wrong time to dump on a stupid fascist - even literally, if you like. The thing I like about this song is that it gets that fascism is home turf for us in the West, and that we have to fight it as an enemy within, not as some kind of shocking invader from another planet. That's a truer message than any patriotic anthem. As if it needed saying, fuck fascism, and fuck white supremacis...